Monday, November 2, 2009


I'm doing a version of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) with my writing partners at What Women Write. We've all committed to various output (or not) and we've renamed it accordingly. NaNo participants write a 50,000 word draft novel.

I know that figure is unrealistic for the November I have planned this year. And I also don't want to start a new novel since I'm 30,000 words into my WIP. I'm not actually going to officially sign up, but I'll say it here so I can be accountable: My goal is 30,000 words on my WIP. So, that will get me to 60,000, I'll write the rest (about 20,000) in December and then take January, February and March to revise. That's my plan.

It's November 2 and I've written 1,276 words. 724 to go for tonight to be on track. Wish me luck.

Any of you also doing NaNo? Or joining our WWW group for WOAO?

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